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    • 365 Things Every Mother Should Know (Hardcover) Sale
    • 365 Things Every Mother Should Know (Hardcover)
      R40.00 R79.95

      Size: 125 x 175• Hardcover• Foiled title• Full-color insides• Ribbon marker•144 pages

    • Hugs For Mom (Paperback) John Smith
    • Hugs For Mom (Paperback) John Smith

      Moms are usually the ones who give the hugs: Hugs of encouragement, acceptance, forgiveness, and shared joy. This little book is a way to give some of the hugs back to Mom  Hugs of love, thankfulness, devotion, and respect.The pages of this very special book are filled with hug after...

    • One Minute Devotions For Moms One Minute Devotions Sale
    • One Minute Devotions For Moms One Minute Devotions
      R97.97 R139.95

      One-Minute Devotions for Moms is a precious source of refreshment for any mom - and the perfect way to rediscover the joys and blessings of motherhood. The 366 short and practical daily devotions cover every stage of motherhood, from anticipating your child's arrival to watching your adult children parent their...



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