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    • Don't Settle For Safe (Paperback) Sarah Jakes Roberts Sale
    • Don't Settle For Safe (Paperback) Sarah Jakes Roberts
      R200.00 R399.00

      Popular speaker and author Sarah Jakes Roberts shows women they are not disqualified by their pain and failures and offers encouragement and strength to believe God's best is still possible.   Everyone has experiences in their lives that stop them in their tracks and become burdens they carry with them...

    • Prayer Of Jabez (Hardcover) Bruce Wilkinson Sale
    • Prayer Of Jabez (Hardcover) Bruce Wilkinson
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      Simple Prayer, Dramatic Life-Change It’s a timeless prayer that produces timely results! Bruce Wilkinson takes readers to 1 Chronicles 4:10 to discover how they can release God’s miraculous power and experience the blessings God longs to give each of us. The life of Jabez, one of the Bible’s most overlooked...

    • How To Forgive When You Dont Feel Like It (Paperback) June Hunt
    • How To Forgive When You Dont Feel Like It (Paperback) June Hunt

      When someone hurts us, our natural response is to strike back. Rather than let go, we cling to our rocks of resentment, our boulders of bitterness. The result? We struggle under the weight of unforgiveness.Though we know God has called us to forgive others, we find ourselves asking: What if...

    • Navigating the Rapids and the Waves of Life: 10 Lessons for Managing Emotions for Success - Mavis Mazhura
    • Navigating the Rapids and the Waves of Life: 10 Lessons for Managing Emotions for Success - Mavis Mazhura

      Our emotions influence our responses and subsequent reactions to change or to life’s experiences. For a lot of us, our formal and informal education systems did not provide the skills to navigate the changes and challenges we encounter in life. The good thing, though, is that we can still learn...

    • Living Through Breast Cancer With Faith Hope & Laughter (Mass Market Paperback) Laura Jensen Walker
    • Living Through Breast Cancer With Faith Hope & Laughter (Mass Market Paperback) Laura Jensen Walker

      Cancer isn't funny. But humor is healing.When Laura Jensen Walker was diagnosed with breast cancer on her first wedding anniversary, she found laughter to be healing in the midst of terrifying circ umstances. In fact, she couldn't have gotten through without her sense of humor.Infused with strength and dignity, this...

    • Inspirations of Life in Faith: Volume 1 (Paperback) by Nomusa Buleni
    • Inspirations of Life in Faith: Volume 1 (Paperback) by Nomusa Buleni

      Knowledge of the truth that is solely found in God's Word gives and yields faith. Faith is, however, believing something based on promptings by the Spirit of God, thus requiring something to believe. The New-Age movement believes that we can believe things into existence, which is not the same kind...

    • Girls With Swords:How to Carry Your Cross Like a Hero (Paperback) Lisa Bevere
    • Girls With Swords:How to Carry Your Cross Like a Hero (Paperback) Lisa Bevere
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      A passionate call for Christian women to effectively "wield the sword" of their God-given feminine strength against any evil that threatens them and those they love.What if you discovered you have been entrusted with an invisible, invincible, and incorruptible weapon? Would you use it?In a day of worldwide trafficking, gendercide,...



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